Most of Anti-Satellite Test Debris Has Decayed, Says DRDO Chief - TECHNOXMART

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Most of Anti-Satellite Test Debris Has Decayed, Says DRDO Chief

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The majority of the flotsam and jetsam created from the counter satellite test India directed in March have rotted and rest of it will scatter in a "brief timeframe", Defense Research and Development Organization's Chairman G Satheesh Reddy said Friday. He said this because of an inquiry in the wake of conveying a discussion on 'Innovation for National Security' at the Institute for Defense Studies and Analyses (IDSA), a city-based research organization. 

"As I had referenced on April 6, the flotsam and jetsam were to rot in half a month's time. According to the data that we have just got, the vast majority of the flotsam and jetsam have rotted. Also, whatever, couple of pieces are there, they will rot in a brief timeframe," Reddy said. 
Most of Anti-Satellite Test Debris Has Decayed, Says DRDO Chief

The DRDO boss said the constant data got is being checked and "I don't think there are any issues". 

"It is incredibly hard to anticipate with respect to how long it would take...But, as I had said that day, that they would rot in half a month, and dominant part of them have rotted," he included. 

On April 6 at a question and answer session at DRDO Bhawan here, Reddy had said India picked a much lower circle of under 300km amid 'Mission Shakti' for "capacity exhibit" and to stay away from risk of flotsam and jetsam to worldwide space resources. 

His comment had come days after the National Aeronautics and Space Administration raised worries about the spread of flotsam and jetsam from India's enemy of satellite test led on March 27. 

India's Ministry of External Affairs, as well, has said the test was done in the lower air to guarantee that there is no space garbage. 

On another inquiry on spillage of resistance know how-related information, he stated, "We haven't considered cases to be such, yet we are cautious". 

"There are no difficult issues accordingly, yet recently, as a result of the fears of cyberattacks and digital related issues, we are sharpening individuals in the business and furthermore in our very own labs on it," he said.

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