Large Asteroid To Fly By Soil Next Week:Know More - TECHNOXMART

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Large Asteroid to Fly By Soil Next Week: Here's What You Wish to Know
Earth is going to encounter a huge space rock one week from now, called 216258 (2006 WH1). First seen in 2006 by the La Sagra Observatory, the space rock will fly by Earth on December 20 at 10:17am EST, as per the NASA's Center for Near-Earth Object Studies (CNEOS). The space rock has been delegated a possibly perilous space rock (PHA), which implies it is equipped for moving toward Earth at a hazardously close separation.
large asteroid to fly by soil next week nasa says

NASA's CNEOS says that the 216258 (2006 WH1) space rock pursues a circle that converges legitimately with the planet's way. It is as of now moving towards Earth at 26,000 miles for every hour, and is altogether taller than Willis Tower in Chicago or the Empire State Building in New York. The space rock has a breadth of 1,772 feet, reports IBTimes. In light of its enormous size and its converging circle, the space rock has been named a PHA, and on the off chance that it hits the planet, it might pulverize various urban communities. At its nearest approach this year, the space rock will be about 0.03904 galactic units or around 3.6 million miles from the planet's inside, CNEOS uncovers.

large asteroid to fly by soil next week nasa says

On its PHA page, NASA clarifies, "Possibly Hazardous Asteroids (PHAs) are presently characterized dependent on parameters that measure the space rock's capability to make undermining close ways to deal with the Earth. In particular, all space rocks with a base circle convergence separation (MOID) of 0.05 au or less and a flat out size (H) of 22.0 or less are considered PHAs."

216258 (2006 WH1) space rock has a wide circle and covers numerous astronomical bodies like Venus, Mercury, and even the Sun. It has a place with the Apollos group of space rocks.
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