Google Is Going To Delay The Date Of Reopening Of US Office Due To COVID19 Cases Rise - TECHNOXMART

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Google Increased The Date Of Reopening  Of US Office To September Because Of Rise Of Coronavirus Cases

Google announced at the end of May that buildings in more cities will be reopened at about 10 percent starting on July 6.

Letters in order's Google said late on Tuesday that it was deferring the reviving of its US workplaces by around two months due to a flood in the number of coronavirus cases in certain states.

The entirety of Google's US workplaces will currently stay shut at any rate until September 7, Google representative Katherine Williams told Reuters.

Google said in late May it would revive structures in more urban areas at about 10 percent of their ability starting July 6 and scale it up to 30 percent in September, if conditions allowed.

Williams affirmed a Bloomberg report that referred to an inward notice to representatives sent by a Google official.

"For every one of you that are telecommuting, if it's not too much trouble keep on doing so except if you are told in any case by your director," Chris Rackow, Google's VP of worldwide security, said in the update.

"We don't anticipate that this direction should change until Monday, September 7 (Labor Day) at the most punctual," Rackow composed, including that the ongoing ascent in coronavirus cases in the United States exhibits that "COVID-19 is still especially alive".

The improvement comes as coronavirus cases in June dramatically increased in 14 US states, including California, Florida, and Texas, a Reuters examination on Tuesday appeared.

Broadly, cases rose by in any event 46 percent, and passings expanded by 21 percent during the month.

New cases fell by more than 47,000 on Tuesday alone by COVID-19, as defined by Reuters, the biggest one-day jump in the world ever since the onset of the pandemic.
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