Oppo Enco W51 True Wireless Earphones Detailed Review - TECHNOXMART

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Oppo Enco W51 True Wireless Earphones Detailed Review

True active noise-canceling earphones under Rs.5,000? In reality.

oppo enco w51 true wireless earphones review

Active noise cancellation on true wireless earphones is a moderately new idea, just getting on in 2019 with premium headsets, for example, the Sony WF-1000XM3 and Apple AirPods Pro. In pretty much a year, however, it appears to be just normal to anticipate this element, and an expanding number of reasonable genuine remote headphones presently gloat of commotion dropping. The item I'm inspecting today pushes this limit significantly further – the Oppo Enco W51 is a couple of genuine remote headphones with dynamic clamor undoing, evaluated far beneath what you'd anticipate.

At Rs. 4,999, the Oppo Enco W51 is a full-fledged pair of genuine remote headphones with premium highlights, including dynamic commotion crossing out and remote charging; this is something I for one idea unthinkable as of not long ago. On paper, this seems like the most flawlessly awesome pair of genuine remote headphones you could purchase for not as much as Rs. 5,000, however, how are the Oppo Enco W51 headphones practically speaking? How about we discover in our survey.

 oppo enco w51 true wireless earphones review

Active noise cancellation and wireless charging on the Oppo Enco W51

Despite the fact that not exactly as noteworthy looking as the Oppo Enco Free obvious remote headphones, the Oppo Enco W51 looks sufficiently nice. The earpieces have a legitimate in-trench fit which is required for functional active noise cancellation, and a polished completion that I very loved the look and feel of.

The headphones are accessible in white and blue shading choices, the two of which look very great. The fit was agreeable over long listening meetings, additionally offering a sensible measure of latent commotion segregation. Conveniently, the earpieces are IP54 appraised for residue and water obstruction and will have the option to deal with an introduction to perspire and light sprinkles with no difficulty.

The charging case has a coordinating tone and finish to the
earpieces, and is minimized and effectively pocketable. The cover and earpieces remain set up attractively, however, I discovered the top to be altogether too free, possibly making it inclined to harm. A catch within is utilized for blending and to check the surmised battery level. There is a USB Type-C port for charging and a charge pointer light at the back.

Strikingly, the Oppo Enco W51 underpins Qi remote charging – this is an amazing element for a couple of true remote headphones at this cost. Albeit remote charging is significantly more slow than wired, it's ideal to have the element, and it functioned admirably for me with a standard remote charger. Remembered for the business
bundle are three extra arrangements of ear-tips in Large, Small, and Extra-Small sizes, aside from the fitted Medium ones, and a charging link.

The Oppo Enco W51 has contact controls, with the sensor on the upper piece of the tail of every earpiece. These controls are customizable, however just on the off chance that you have a viable Oppo cell phone; if not, you'll need to adhere to the default settings which aren't especially acceptable. A twofold tap on the left side controls dynamic commotion crossing out; a twofold tap on the correct jumps to the following track or answers calls; a triple-tap on either side summons the default voice colleague on your cell phone.

oppo enco w51 true wireless earphones review

Strangely, it is highly unlikely to play or interruption music or change the volume legitimately from the headphones, which I discovered badly arranged. The controls were likewise very erratic and problematic, making it simpler to utilize my  cell phone for most capacities. There are vicinity sensors to delay and play the music when you take off or embed either earpiece, so this is one approach to control playback without going after your telephone.

The enormous component on the Oppo Enco W51 is dynamic clamor scratch-off. It utilizes a triple-amplifier framework for commotion crossing out just as clamor decrease on calls and Oppo professes to accomplish a 35dB improvement. The headphones utilize 7mm powerful drivers and have a recurrence reaction scope of 20-20,000Hz. Bluetooth 5 is utilized for network, with help for the SBC and AAC codecs.

I had the option to get barely three hours of listening time from the headphones with dynamic commotion undoing empowered. The charging case added a little more than four full charges, for an absolute battery life of around 15 hours for each charge cycle.

Fair solid, useful ANC on the Oppo Enco W51

Despite the fact that highlights, for example, active noise cancellation and remote charging are more eye-catching for the Oppo Enco W51, it's ideal to take note that the headphones sound great too. You get a to a great extent adjusted and nitty-gritty sonic mark, which sounds very unique in relation to what I've heard on most alternatives valued under Rs. 5,000. In spite of the fact that there's no help for cutting edge Bluetooth codecs, the Oppo Enco W51 functions admirably with the AAC codec to guarantee detail in the sound.

Beginning with the relentless and fiery Fire by Ferry Corsten on Tidal, the Oppo Enco W51's point by point and adjusted sonic mark was promptly apparent. The bass was barely enough to be felt, yet the headphones additionally made an amazing showing of adding some radiance in the highs and definition in the mid-range, for a healthy and full-sounding experience. The bustling idea of this track likewise didn't appear to give the Enco W51 any difficulty whatsoever, with the headphones keeping things strong and organized.

With the slower however similarly vivacious Hold Back Love by Kraak and Smaak, the Oppo's unmistakable sonic mark felt lively, itemized, and wide, with a feeling of sharpness that made the sound drawing in without getting excessively ear-splitting in this snappy track. The bass wasn't punchy using any and all means, however was certainly unmistakable, tight, and determined, presenting a lot of detail over the recurrence range, especially in the mid-range. The soundstage was wide, giving different components in the sound a legitimate ability to know east from west and feel.

Flowing's high-goal music helped the Oppo Enco W51 bring out a lot of detail in the music, however packed sound doesn't fall excessively far behind either. Tuning in to Velvetine's The Great Divide on Spotify was nearly as charming, however for marginally various reasons. In spite of the fact that the detail levels were a tad lower and things sounded somewhat deafening at high volumes, this appeared to amp up the force in the lows. The vigorous sound functioned admirably for this reformist techno track, was still impressively more point by point than on the likewise evaluated OnePlus Buds.

oppo enco w51 true wireless earphones review

The Oppo Enco W51's movement and assault are phenomenal for relentless tracks, and shockingly great even with more slow, gentler tracks, for example, If I Were A Folkstar by The Avalanches. With less action to manage in this nice track, the Oppo Enco W51 sounded much more point by point and strong, letting me get weak subtleties in the different examples used to assemble the track. At a certain point, around two minutes into the track, the whooshing of a vehicle felt practically genuine as it moved from the privilege to one side, demonstrating exactly how very much tuned the imaging and soundstage are.

The nature of dynamic clamor wiping out is quite often attached to value; more costly headsets for the most part have better ANC, while reasonable choices have commotion undoing that is normally just barely recognizable. This is fairly valid for the Oppo Enco W51 also, with useful active noise cancellation that has just a little effect. While there was still somewhat of a murmuring sound, and delicate murmurs from things, for example, my roof fan and AC could be heard fairly uproariously, ANC assisted with making the music somewhat simpler to tune in to.

Active noise cancellation and ecological clamor decrease assisted with lessening commotion and improve sound on the two closures of voice calls. Availability is steady also, with the headphones functioning admirably at separations of up to 15 feet with an away from of sight between the headphones and the source gadget.


With highlights beforehand concealed on obvious remote headphones at this cost, and execution to coordinate, the Oppo Enco W51 is effectively the best pair of genuine remote headphones you can purchase for not as much as Rs. 5,000. The definite, adjusted sound is a reviving change in a value section that is to a great extent zeroed in on forceful bass, while remote charging and serviceable dynamic commotion dropping just serve to improve upon the arrangement.

Normal battery life and inconsistent controls aside, this is an incredible pair of genuine remote headphones for Rs. 5,000. Spending somewhat more will improve  sounding headsets, for example, the Lypertek Tevi and Creative Outlier Air, however on the off chance that you have a hard financial plan of Rs. 5,000, the Oppo Enco W51 is the one to pick.

Value: Rs. 4,999


  • Agreeable fit, IP54 residue, and water obstruction
  • Dynamic commotion retraction and remote charging
  • Firm, vigorous, itemized sound
  • Useful for calls, stable network


  • Normal battery life
  • Questionable controls that must be tweaked with Oppo telephones

Evaluations (out of 5)

  • Configuration/comfort: 3.5
  • Sound quality: 3.5
  • Battery life: 3.5
  • Incentive for cash: 5
  • In general: 4













Oppo Bluetooth Headphones  Click Here To Go The Page


Oppo Headphone  – Click Here To Go To The Page


Oppo Bluetooth Headset – Click Here

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